Moulin-Frier, Clement and Fischer, Tobias and Petit, Maxime and Pointeau, Gregoire and Puigbo, Jordi-Ysard and Pattacini, Ugo and Low, Sock Ching and Camilleri, Daniel and Nguyen, Phuong and Hoffmann, Matej and Chang, Hyung Jin and Zambelli, Martina and Mealier, Anne-Laure and Damianou, Andreas and Metta, Giorgio and Prescott, Tony J. and Demiris, Yiannis and Dominey, Peter Ford and Verschure, Paul F. M. J.
author = {Moulin-Frier, Clement and Fischer, Tobias and Petit, Maxime and Pointeau, Gregoire and Puigbo, Jordi-Ysard and Pattacini, Ugo and Low, Sock Ching and Camilleri, Daniel and Nguyen, Phuong and Hoffmann, Matej and Chang, Hyung Jin and Zambelli, Martina and Mealier, Anne-Laure and Damianou, Andreas and Metta, Giorgio and Prescott, Tony J. and Demiris, Yiannis and Dominey, Peter Ford and Verschure, Paul F. M. J.},
doi = {10.1109/TCDS.2017.2754143},
issn = {2379-8920},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems},
month = dec,
number = {4},
pages = {1005--1022},
title = {{DAC-h3: A Proactive Robot Cognitive Architecture to Acquire and Express Knowledge About the World and the Self}},
url = {},
volume = {10},
year = {2018}