Moulin-Frier, Clément and Schwartz, Jean-Luc and Diard, Julien and Bessière, Pierre
In this paper, we show how some properties of human language could emerge from the primitive deixis function. For this aim, we model a society of sensori-motor agents able to produce vocalizations and to point to objects in their environnement. We show how principles of the Dispersion Theory [6] and the Quantal Theory [13] could emerge from the interaction between these agents.
title = {Emergence du langage par jeux d{\'e}ictiques dans une soci{\'e}t{\'e} d'agents sensori-moteurs en interaction},
author = {{Moulin-Frier}, Cl{\'e}ment and Schwartz, {Jean-Luc} and Diard, Julien and Bessi{\`e}re, Pierre},
booktitle = {27e Journ{\'e}es {d'Etudes} sur la Parole, {JEP'2008}},
year = {2008},
address = {Avignon France},
keywords = {Evolutionnary Linguistic, Language Emergence, Bayesian Modeling, Cognitive Robotics, {Multi-Agents} Systems},
url = {},
hal_id = {hal-00338789}